Тема урока: «The portrait of one of the most famous person in Russian history»

Английский язык

Симушкина Ольга Анатольевна

План-конспект метапредметного урока английского языка по обновленному ФГОС ОО

ФИО : Симушкина Ольга Анатольевна

Место работы: МБОУ «СОШ №6» г. Канаш Чувашской Республики

Должность:   педагог-библиотекарь

Предмет: английский язык

Класс:   6

Тема урока: «The portrait of one of the most famous person in Russian history».

Цель урока: Формирование ключевых языковых компетенций на метапредметном уроке  английского языка: расширениe лингвистического кругозора обучающихся, развитие компенсаторной способности, личного самосовершенствования

Задачи урока:


– формирование умений кратко излагать результаты выполненной проектной работы (объём— до 6 фраз),

– чтение текстов и понимание представленной в них информации, включая компенсаторные умения,

– использование при чтении языковой, в том числе контекстуальной, догадки.


– развивать настойчивость и умение преодолевать трудности для достижения намеченной цели;

– активизировать познавательную инициативу обучающихся и формировать их социальную компетентность.


– формирование гражданской идентичности, чувства патриотизма и гордости за свой народ, свой край, свою страну.

Тип урока:    урок открытия нового знания


1) Познавательные УУД, которые представляют три подгруппы: базовые логические действия, базовые исследовательские действия, работа с информацией.

Познавательным логическим действием является умение выявлять закономерности и противоречия в рассматриваемых фактах, данных и наблюдениях (с учетом предложенной задачи).

2) Личностные: воспитание российской гражданской идентичности: патриотизма, уважения к Отечеству, прошлое и настоящее многонационального народа России; осознание своей этнической принадлежности, знание истории, языка, культуры своего народа, своего края, основ культурного наследия народов России и человечества; усвоение гуманистических, демократических и традиционных ценностей многонационального российского общества; воспитание чувства ответственности и долга перед Родиной;

Метапредметные результаты формированию у учащихся предпосылок научного мышления и развитию функциональной грамотности.

Научить учащихся говорить, поддерживать беседу на английском языке об известных людях нашей страны

Личностные результаты: воспитание активности, инициативности, любознательности, самостоятельности в познании

Метапредметные результаты: устанавливать причинно-следственные связи в ситуациях, делать выводы, умение анализировать текстовую информацию в соответствии с учебной задачей.

Основные понятия:

The captain of the bombardier company (капитан бомбардирской роты), military goods [ˈmɪlɪtərɪ gʊdz] (военное снаряжение), key words [kiː wɜːdz] ключевые слова, weapons оружие, defeat [dɪˈfiːt] гл разгромить, сannons [cannons] пушки, to mine iron добывать железо, literate[ˈlɪtərɪt]грамотный, resign[riːˈsaɪn]сдаваться, print[prɪnt] печатать, font[fɒnt]шрифт,

Оснащение урока: Доска, мел, ТСО, карточки с новыми ЛЕ

Ход урока.

1. Организационный этап. Приветствие

Учитель: Hello everybody! Nice to meet you!

2. Фонетическая зарядка: Never put off till tomorrow,

                                           what you can do today.

                                           Никогда не оставляй на завтра, то что можно сделать сегодня!

3. Этап целеполагания

Today we'll read, discuss short stories by Sergey Alekseev, and create the portrait of one of the most famous person in Russian history.

You'll work in groups and help you groupmates.

4. Этап изучения нового материала

You have cards with new words, we'll read them.

The captain of the bombardier company (капитан бомбардирской роты), military goods [ˈmɪlɪtərɪ gʊdz] (военное снаряжение), key words [kiː wɜːdz] ключевые слова, weapons оружие, defeat [dɪˈfiːt] разгромить, сannons [cannons] пушки, to mine iron добывать железо, literate[ˈlɪtərɪt]грамотный, resign[riːˈsaɪn]сдаваться, print[prɪnt] печатать, font[fɒnt]шрифт.

Now, we'll read stories and answer the questions, write key words on the blackboard.

The captain of the bombardier company (капитан бомбардирской роты)

It was a dry autumn аnd suddenly the rains came. Soldiers are walking through the mud. Across the river, a cannon (пушка) is buried in the mud. The soldiers gathered and tried to pull it out on their hands. The soldiers are making noise and arguing, but the case is not moving forward. Suddenly the soldiers look - a cart ( возок) is coming along the road.

An officer got out of the cart. The soldiers looked - a captain of the bombardier company. The captain is tall, his face is round, his eyes are large, and his mustache is black. The captain came up to the cannon.

«How do you keep military goods?» - he said to elder. The captain took off his coat , picked up the cannon and pulled it out of the mud with the soldiers. The captain thanked the soldiers and left them. Soon the soldiers passed a general with an army officer and asked about the tsar's cart.

Answer the questions:

1.      What does a captain of the bombardier company look like? Please, write key words on the blackboard.

2.      What's he like? Please, write key words on the blackboard.

Nikita Demidov…

The Russians at Narva were defeated. The country turned out to be poorly prepared for war. There were not enough weapons, uniforms, the soldiers were poorly trained.

Peter goes to Tula, to the arms factory, to Nikita Demidov.

«Сannons are needed, lots of сannons», he said to Nikita Demidov.

«But Tula factories are bad - there is no iron, there is no forest», Nikita answered.

«There is a lot of wood and iron in the Urals. We will lay roads, there are rivers. There would be a wish!», continued Nikita.

In many places in Russia, Peter ordered to mine iron and build factories.

Answer the questions:

1.      Who ordered to mine iron and build factories? Please, write key words on the blackboard.

2.      What is necessary for beginning by Nikita Demidov?

First schools in Russia…

There were few literate people in Russia at that time. The children studied at churches, rich people had invited teachers.

Peter began to open schools. They studied geography, mathematics and grammar.

A school was also opened in Serpukhov, between Moscow and Tula. The teacher arrived. The teacher came to the school, but there were no students in it. Parents didn't want to waste time studying. Then the soldiers began to take the children to school. So the week went on. The parents resigned, the children themselves began to run to school.

Peter also decided to teach children by force in other places. The death of Russia, without knowledgeable people!

Answer the questions:

1. Who began to open schools? Please, write key words on the blackboard.

2. Is it worth wasting time studying?

3. The death of Russia, without knowledgeable people! Is it truth?

«Be happy in small, then the big will come…»

Peter once decided with Fyodor Polikarpov to print the first Russian newspaper. He decided to print in it everything that was good at that time: how he ordered to mine iron and build factories, about cannons, how he began to open schools and other news.

The first newspaper was ready and they called it «Vedomosti». The newspaper turned out to be small, the font is small, it is difficult to read, the paper is gray. But Peter was happy: it was the first and he began to show it everybody. Soon Peter met a very educated men and he told him, that he had seen newspapers better.

Peter's answer was: «Be happy in small, and then the big will come…»

Answer the questions:

1.      Who decided to print the first Russian newspaper? Please, write key words on the blackboard.

2.      Is it worth printing the newspaper?

Now, every group will tell us main points of your stories, read key words on the blackboard and we'll create the portrait of one of the most famous person in Russian history.


What was the topic of the lesson?

What you’ve learned?

Take your cards

Pink - excellent

Yellow - good

Green - not bad

Mark for the lesson

The lesson is over. Good-bye

Документы:  Загрузить


Детальное описание: 

План-конспект метапредметного урока английского языка по обновленному ФГОС ОО

ФИО : Симушкина Ольга Анатольевна

Место работы: МБОУ «СОШ №6» г. Канаш Чувашской Республики

Должность:   педагог-библиотекарь

Предмет: английский язык

Класс:   6

Тема урока: «The portrait of one of the most famous person in Russian history».

Цель урока: Формирование ключевых языковых компетенций на метапредметном уроке  английского языка: расширениe лингвистического кругозора обучающихся, развитие компенсаторной способности, личного самосовершенствования

Задачи урока:


– формирование умений кратко излагать результаты выполненной проектной работы (объём— до 6 фраз),

– чтение текстов и понимание представленной в них информации, включая компенсаторные умения,

– использование при чтении языковой, в том числе контекстуальной, догадки.


– развивать настойчивость и умение преодолевать трудности для достижения намеченной цели;

– активизировать познавательную инициативу обучающихся и формировать их социальную компетентность.


– формирование гражданской идентичности, чувства патриотизма и гордости за свой народ, свой край, свою страну.

Тип урока:    урок открытия нового знания


1) Познавательные УУД, которые представляют три подгруппы: базовые логические действия, базовые исследовательские действия, работа с информацией.

Познавательным логическим действием является умение выявлять закономерности и противоречия в рассматриваемых фактах, данных и наблюдениях (с учетом предложенной задачи).

2) Личностные: воспитание российской гражданской идентичности: патриотизма, уважения к Отечеству, прошлое и настоящее многонационального народа России; осознание своей этнической принадлежности, знание истории, языка, культуры своего народа, своего края, основ культурного наследия народов России и человечества; усвоение гуманистических, демократических и традиционных ценностей многонационального российского общества; воспитание чувства ответственности и долга перед Родиной;

Метапредметные результаты формированию у учащихся предпосылок научного мышления и развитию функциональной грамотности.

Научить учащихся говорить, поддерживать беседу на английском языке об известных людях нашей страны

Личностные результаты: воспитание активности, инициативности, любознательности, самостоятельности в познании

Метапредметные результаты: устанавливать причинно-следственные связи в ситуациях, делать выводы, умение анализировать текстовую информацию в соответствии с учебной задачей.

Основные понятия:

The captain of the bombardier company (капитан бомбардирской роты), military goods [ˈmɪlɪtərɪ gʊdz] (военное снаряжение), key words [kiː wɜːdz] ключевые слова, weapons оружие, defeat [dɪˈfiːt] гл разгромить, сannons [cannons] пушки, to mine iron добывать железо, literate[ˈlɪtərɪt]грамотный, resign[riːˈsaɪn]сдаваться, print[prɪnt] печатать, font[fɒnt]шрифт,

Оснащение урока: Доска, мел, ТСО, карточки с новыми ЛЕ

Ход урока.

1. Организационный этап. Приветствие

Учитель: Hello everybody! Nice to meet you!

2. Фонетическая зарядка: Never put off till tomorrow,

                                           what you can do today.

                                           Никогда не оставляй на завтра, то что можно сделать сегодня!

3. Этап целеполагания

Today we'll read, discuss short stories by Sergey Alekseev, and create the portrait of one of the most famous person in Russian history.

You'll work in groups and help you groupmates.

4. Этап изучения нового материала

You have cards with new words, we'll read them.

The captain of the bombardier company (капитан бомбардирской роты), military goods [ˈmɪlɪtərɪ gʊdz] (военное снаряжение), key words [kiː wɜːdz] ключевые слова, weapons оружие, defeat [dɪˈfiːt] разгромить, сannons [cannons] пушки, to mine iron добывать железо, literate[ˈlɪtərɪt]грамотный, resign[riːˈsaɪn]сдаваться, print[prɪnt] печатать, font[fɒnt]шрифт.

Now, we'll read stories and answer the questions, write key words on the blackboard.

The captain of the bombardier company (капитан бомбардирской роты)

It was a dry autumn аnd suddenly the rains came. Soldiers are walking through the mud. Across the river, a cannon (пушка) is buried in the mud. The soldiers gathered and tried to pull it out on their hands. The soldiers are making noise and arguing, but the case is not moving forward. Suddenly the soldiers look - a cart ( возок) is coming along the road.

An officer got out of the cart. The soldiers looked - a captain of the bombardier company. The captain is tall, his face is round, his eyes are large, and his mustache is black. The captain came up to the cannon.

«How do you keep military goods?» - he said to elder. The captain took off his coat , picked up the cannon and pulled it out of the mud with the soldiers. The captain thanked the soldiers and left them. Soon the soldiers passed a general with an army officer and asked about the tsar's cart.

Answer the questions:

1.      What does a captain of the bombardier company look like? Please, write key words on the blackboard.

2.      What's he like? Please, write key words on the blackboard.

Nikita Demidov…

The Russians at Narva were defeated. The country turned out to be poorly prepared for war. There were not enough weapons, uniforms, the soldiers were poorly trained.

Peter goes to Tula, to the arms factory, to Nikita Demidov.

«Сannons are needed, lots of сannons», he said to Nikita Demidov.

«But Tula factories are bad - there is no iron, there is no forest», Nikita answered.

«There is a lot of wood and iron in the Urals. We will lay roads, there are rivers. There would be a wish!», continued Nikita.

In many places in Russia, Peter ordered to mine iron and build factories.

Answer the questions:

1.      Who ordered to mine iron and build factories? Please, write key words on the blackboard.

2.      What is necessary for beginning by Nikita Demidov?

First schools in Russia…

There were few literate people in Russia at that time. The children studied at churches, rich people had invited teachers.

Peter began to open schools. They studied geography, mathematics and grammar.

A school was also opened in Serpukhov, between Moscow and Tula. The teacher arrived. The teacher came to the school, but there were no students in it. Parents didn't want to waste time studying. Then the soldiers began to take the children to school. So the week went on. The parents resigned, the children themselves began to run to school.

Peter also decided to teach children by force in other places. The death of Russia, without knowledgeable people!

Answer the questions:

1. Who began to open schools? Please, write key words on the blackboard.

2. Is it worth wasting time studying?

3. The death of Russia, without knowledgeable people! Is it truth?

«Be happy in small, then the big will come…»

Peter once decided with Fyodor Polikarpov to print the first Russian newspaper. He decided to print in it everything that was good at that time: how he ordered to mine iron and build factories, about cannons, how he began to open schools and other news.

The first newspaper was ready and they called it «Vedomosti». The newspaper turned out to be small, the font is small, it is difficult to read, the paper is gray. But Peter was happy: it was the first and he began to show it everybody. Soon Peter met a very educated men and he told him, that he had seen newspapers better.

Peter's answer was: «Be happy in small, and then the big will come…»

Answer the questions:

1.      Who decided to print the first Russian newspaper? Please, write key words on the blackboard.

2.      Is it worth printing the newspaper?

Now, every group will tell us main points of your stories, read key words on the blackboard and we'll create the portrait of one of the most famous person in Russian history.


What was the topic of the lesson?

What you’ve learned?

Take your cards

Pink - excellent

Yellow - good

Green - not bad

Mark for the lesson

The lesson is over. Good-bye

Детальная картинка: 

Начало активности (дата):